7 Tips for Building a More Profitable Website
Creating an online business has never been easier, but how are you going to start earning a profit from it? You can find many ways to monetize your website, from ecommerce to tools like Google Adsense. Depending on who you are as a brand, some monetizing methods may work better than others. Some tips, however, help websites across the board become more profitable.
Which of these suggestions is your online business already implementing? Which ones could you improve on? Start seeing a difference in your profits by putting all 7 of these tips into action.
Pick the Right Niche
This is one of the key ingredients to creating a website you can easily monetize. Along with picking a niche that excites you, experts recommend that you also pick a niche in which you are competent. You don’t have to be an expert now, but you should have at least a good understanding of the subject(s) you will be creating content for. Before choosing a niche, do some research and see if this niche carries with it a decent-sized and dedicated audience.
Build Up Sharable Content
Creating content for your site can be easy and done with little effort. But creating “the most detailed, valuable, insightful and original content you can” requires more time. That time pays off, though. Your audience will keep coming back to your site if they are satisfied with the content and feel that it is authentic and worth their time. When the content resonates with your audience, they will do a great deal of marketing for you by sharing it on their own social media pages and websites.
Once you create great content, get it out there! Post on social media whenever you have new content. Look around also to see where your content could be submitted as a guest post on other sites, one easy way to expand your audience quickly.
Test Out What Works Best
Take the time to test out what features on your site keep customers engaged and which ones are not converting your audience. This can be done by creating multiple landing pages, or just occasionally changing elements on your site, tracking impressions and how long customers stay on the site.
One expert offers a few questions to get you started on your testing: “What’s the effect of changing the color of a call-to-action button? Is orange better than red? What headlines get the most clicks? [And why is your audience drawn to those headlines?] What are people drawn to on your site?” You never know what’s going to work best with your audience unless you test it out.
Optimize Content for Search Engines
No matter how exceptional your content is, it needs to contain keywords, phrases or tags with search engine optimization (SEO) to effectively monetize your site. Without paying extra for paid search and PPC, you can organically drive a lot of traffic to your site using SEO. If you can, hire a SEO expert through an agency or hire the services of a freelance SEO consultant to keep your content up-to-date on the ever-changing SEO trends.
Become a Master of Email Marketing
Customers want to feel valued enough by your company that they keep coming back. An effective way to do this is through email marketing. When a consumer comes to your site, perhaps a few minutes after they’ve browsed your products, use a popup box to offer them something valuable if they subscribe to your emails. A 10% discount on their first purchase may be the incentive your customer needs.
Once the customer is on your email list, you can keep them returning with similar offers. Be sure to keep your emails engaging and valuable, though, or else your audience will be quick to unsubscribe. Sites likes MailChimp offer free help to small businesses to build up a solid list of email subscribers. They also provide free metrics and campaign help, plus more if you’re willing to pay a little extra.
Get Outside Help
It’s no secret that you can’t do this alone. Along with the businesses listed above, when you look around you’ll find many other companies who want to help businesses just like yours. If you’re still struggling to make your website profitable, check out Digital Altitude’s training courses that can help kickstart your success.
If anyone can make a profitable website, it’s you. The tools are at your fingertips. The trick is learning which tools and tips are going to best help your business.